Pay it forward. Day five.

Todays RRBC author: Rhani D’Chae.

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Biography: Photos from Rhani’s blog page.

Author, Rhani D’Chae has always been an avid reader and began writing in her early teens. Her first ‘novel’ was a Star Trek adventure that she freely admits was a disaster, but she learned from it and never stopped writing. SHADOW OF THE DRILL is her first published novel, and is the first in a series that revolves around an unrepentant enforcer and the violent life that he leads.

She enjoys chatting with readers and fellow writers via Social Networking sites, and loves getting comments and other input from those who have read her work.

Ms D’Chae is currently working on WINTER OF THE DRILL and hopes to have it completed by late fall of 2014.

Microsoft Word - Document1Cover photo from Amazon.

Customer reviews:

1. ‘THIS BOOK WAS FANTASTIC! The writing was impeccable, the storylines were awesomely intriguing and I could envision myself in the theater, popcorn spilling all over the guy next to me, as I jumped, screamed and held on to his arm through each magnificent (and at times, terrifying) moment. I want this book to be turned into a movie! To me, that is what makes for great writing. SHADOW is a harsh story and at times, some might consider it to be an extremely harsh read. There was unspeakable violence in this book, there was profanity and there were sex scenes, but all of these made this story the perfection it turned out to be. There was just the right mix of each, and the author could not have written any of it any other way, without doing incredible disservice to her perfectly crafted characters.’

2. ‘I read a lot of Indie fiction not looking for ‘Diamonds in the rough’, but rather to find interesting books without the staid characters, formulaic plots and over-edited writing. This book epitomises what I enjoy and made for a great fun read; human, raw, angry, lively, original, vengeful, at times violent, other times erotic, and sometimes both violent and erotic!’

‘It’s a revenge story at it’s heart, but Ms D’Chae has put a lot of effort to develop characters who have depth, background and purpose, and the result is a delightful mix of friendship, action, sex and obviously a fair degree of violence. She writes scenes which are surprisingly visual, too, with page turning action, arousing erotic scenes where the pheromones almost drip from the page, and heartfelt human interaction with honest dialogue. The result is a good story, well written and the establishment of some characters we’ll surely see more of in future … and I’ll be there to read them too.’

See Rhani’s work here:

Book Link:

Rhani D’Chae
Twitter: @rhanidchae

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