Running a free book promotion

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This month I’m running a free book promotion on Amazon from the 24-28th March. Have have done this a few times before with very different success rates.

This time I have used a paid service that lists my book, Babe Driven, on 45+ sites. I have not tried this before, but as I’m currently writing my 5th book, I need to manage my time effectively. The only problem with these sites, is that they don’t list all of the sites they are submitting your book to, so you may cross over on some sites if you are listing others yourself. My strategy this time is to leave them to list my work on ‘free’ free listing sites, while I select a few paid options to decide between. I have tried BookBub before and although this is a paid option, I found it really worthwhile as my second book Love’s Child soared to #1 in the free download chart with thousands of downloads.

With the first ever free book promotion I created, I scrolled through hundreds of free sites and listed my book myself and saw over 3,500 downloads in a day. The next time I scheduled a promotion,  I held off a little and the numbers dropped considerably. It seems to be about the number of sites you submit to, although adding sites that are well known and cost a small sum may be effective in the long run. These sites have loyal readers and it’s a great way for them to discover your work. I’ll let you know how I get on with my latest free book promotion. Have a great week everyone!

If there are any authors out there have top tips for helping a book promotion succeed, please share them in the comments section below this post. Many thanks:)

Here are some helpful links to free book listing sites:


Readers in the know. 100 free listing sites given here. 

Be the first to know when my next book is available! Follow me on social media for updates.

15 thoughts on “Running a free book promotion

  1. Pingback: Friday Roundup – 17th March | Stevie Turner, Indie Author.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful tips and the lists. I’ve never gone through and listed my book on sites, but it sounds like that’s the way to go when running a promotion. Wishing you much success this month with yours!

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