Crying it all out.

Lizzie Chantree blog 9


Most people think crying is because of low self-esteem or any other huge array of emotions, but apparently it can make you more productive. Who knew!  Embracing who you are and showing some vulnerability can be cathartic.

Crying flushes out bacteria and toxins. As tears leave your body, toxins flow and cleanse your system. Tears also fight against bacteria and do wonders for your overall health! Crying also relieves our emotions and balances our manganese levels. Too much manganese leaves us feeling nervous and irritable.

Here is a quote from Dickens about tears:

‘Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of the Earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, then before – more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.’

Apparently we feel less stressed when we cry. Scientists say crying is similar to the perspiration leaving you when you exercise. The chemicals that make up stress are directly leaving your body. Having less stress is directly related to thinking more clearly and accomplishing new goals. This doesn’t mean it’s always great to start sobbing in a crowded room, it does show that crying is not a weakness, but a way to start moving forward and letting go of past emotions with a clear mind.

I write romance novels and some of my books have people who cry, or are despondent in them. Funnily enough, they tend to be the strongest characters in my stories, who are dealing with difficult circumstances, but overcoming the emotion helps them to see things with clarity. I think this quote sums it up: ‘A person who cries, is a person who cares.’

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Have a great day!

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24 thoughts on “Crying it all out.

  1. I suppose because the idea has been passed down through generations, I was taught as a child it was not good to cry. Contrary to that belief, I have found tears to be most cleansing. It shows we have emotion. There is nothing that moves me more than seeing a man allow tears. They are taught even stricter than females that it shows weakness or it’s not manly to cry. I find it very manly and moving. Thanks for this post, Lizzie.

    • My children think it’s hilarious that I cry over films, or anything moving or emotional. I think they secretly tell people who look my way that i’m a creative person as if that explains everything!

  2. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Tuesday September 5th 2017 – Lizzie Chantree, Debby Gies, Olga Nunez Miret, The Story Reading Ape/Diana Wallace Peach | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

  3. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Tuesday September 5th 2017 – | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

  4. The more you’re stressed, the saltier your tears are! If you produce tears because the eyes are irritated by things like pollen they’ve got less of the nasty little stress toxins in them. I’ve proved this to myself numerous times – emotional stress tears HURT! And they make your eyes redder as well! 😉

  5. When I was a child and watched a film I would cry at the ending sad or happy. Throughout their lives my parents when they saw an emotionally charged film would say ‘Sally would like that’! I love a good cry and if there are dogs in a movie my husband automatically puts out a box of tissues.. great post Lizzie and will put in the blogger daily tonight… Sally

  6. Just recently we dropped my eldest daughter off at Heathrow airport. She’s gone for a whole year – Teaching English As A Foreign Language – in South Korea. So emotional, never cried so much, felt tearful for a whole day. So difficult to let them go, especially with the current political climate, worrying times.

    • That must have been so stressful for you Marje. I’m sure your daughter will have an amazing experience teaching languages and the time will speed past while you are working on your book release and other projects. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way.

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