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New book covers by LIzzie Chantree

Happy new week everyone. How are you all? It’s been hectic here with two new and updated book covers being published recently and both books hitting different bestseller lists home and abroad, which is exciting to see. I am taking part in two training courses, which are good fun, but time consuming! Have any of you decided to update any skills during lockdown?

The first course I’m taking part in, is hosted by my local creative council, who invited me to join them. During the learning sessions, I’m working towards hosting more seminars to assist local artists, writers and small business owners with creative ideas. Before lockdown, I had begun hosting my own networking seminars for writers. I had positive feedback from the library, council and the Essex Book Festival, so I will be running them again, when I have time between books.

During lockdown I also wrote my first non-fiction book on this subject, which is currently in edits. It was so different writing non-fiction as there was no mischief from characters and fun describing plot lines. I still really enjoyed it though.

The second course I’m taking part in, is about book marketing, so I’m fascinated to learn new skills and to see what the results are. It’s interesting to try new ways to reach readers and to see them picking up my books to read. It makes me want to keep writing and to develop lots more characters to fill those books!

Have a fabulous week everyone. From Lizzie.


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