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Monday thoughts.

Tweet by Lizzie Chantree 19

Hello everyone. How are you all? Over the past week, I have begun to experiment with advertising. I’ve taught myself a bit about AMS ads, or Amazon Marketing Services ads. I’ve tried my first ad, which has just been approved, so I’ll let you know how it goes.

I’ve also been learning about Facebook ads, as they used to seem quite confusing to me, but I now understand about how to reach more readers and to let them know about my books. Most of my readers come from word of mouth, where someone discovers one of my books and then tells their friends and family. This is such a wonderful way for me to meet new readers of my work and it makes me smile so much when someone tells me that they have been recommended to my books.

Each time I read a new book now, I try to share it in as many places as possible, to help the author. A little can go a long way, so every review you give, recommendation you share, bookmark you give to a friend or business card you pin to a coffee shop noticeboard, is giving an author a helping hand.

5 ways to help authors find new readers:

  1. Tell your friends and family!
  2. Post reviews to online book groups.
  3. Share your love of a book on social media as many times as you can.
  4. Write a Facebook post about why you loved the book.
  5. This is actually the most important. Leave a review if you can. Reviews help readers you don’t know, find out about books you’ve read and enjoyed. I know some people hate writing reviews, as they don’t know what to write, but one or two lines saying something like…

‘I enjoyed this book because it’s well written and made me smile. If you like romantic comedies, you will love this book!’

… is often enough to make someone read the blurb and think about trying the story for themselves.

Have a fantastic week. From Lizzie.   🙂

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