A critically acclaimed bestseller by Olivia Mason-Charles. #FREE


FREE critically acclaimed bestseller exploring autism and parenting. 

Available on #Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Q1IGSH4/


Book description:

Paper in the Wind is a compassionate and riveting story depicting a single father’s dedication to his daughter. In the midst of the overwhelming struggles that accompanied autism, he continues to persevere. Her father’s love enabled her to overcome insurmountable obstacles, discovered the power of love and embraced the gift of life.

Book reviews:

  • Beautifully written. As a parent of an autistic child I was very encouraged by the courage and dedication of all involved. I learned of therapy available I was unaware of. Thank you. I would recommend this book to all parents, relatives and friends of a child with autism.


  •  What an all round delicate story! From Michael’s dedication to her daughter, Alexa, to Jonathan’s love for her, this is a feel good story! I started reading this story with my mind wide open to what I thought would be a sad story about autism, but ended reading a touching love story. Alexa lived with autism, but she did not let it stunt her life.

    Michael McKenzie, Alexa’s father worked tirelessly and relentlessly to see that her daughter enjoyed a good quality of life, even as she struggled with autism. He was tireless in looking for remedies that would help her daughter. As he discovered new remedies, Alexa’s personality and sympathy for others not only grew, but made her a force, and a mentors for others like her.

    Jonathan was her rock! Their love for one another is such that are only read about in fairy tales. It was the strength and power of this love that motivated Alexa to push forward without letting her shortcomings define her life.


  • This is a heart touching story of not only dealing with autism, but a lot of other heart wrenching aspects of life. I think the story was well written as the reader gets a glimpse into the life of a father who is trying to do the best he can under a lot of strain as ife hands him one challenge after another. The book will take readers on a journey they won’t soon forget.
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5 thoughts on “A critically acclaimed bestseller by Olivia Mason-Charles. #FREE

  1. How kind of you to help promote Olivia’s free book. When I interviewed her for a RAVE WAVES radio show, I was impressed with her energy and passion. I loved the book and hope everyone will pick it up!

  2. Pingback: Looking forward to reading this | Lonely Power Poles

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