Happy Tuesday everyone! I run seminars and have written a book about book marketing and often talk about networking and the fact that it’s great way to discover like minded creatives to promote our work with. Each month, I meet fellow romance author, Christine Penhall and we spend a few hours chatting about our latest projects. We also swap contacts we have made recently and plan future events that we can work on together for our writing. At the moment we are planning a series of seminars about our writing journeys and some magazine articles. We are now also scheduling in writing buddy sessions to make sure we achieve our writing commitments and fill up our creative tanks, just by spending time with a fellow writer. As soon as we are back at our desks, we feel energised to tackle tasks we might be procrastinating about. Chris and I have different approaches to marketing, but we fit beautifully when we are planning something together and I find her a very inspiring lady.


Marketing doesn’t have to be scary or boring and Chris and I always meet for food or coffee and during our time together, we film TikToks for both of our social media feeds, plan a blog post like this one, where we cross promote our work and have a lot of laughs along the way. It is often blowing a gale, or pouring with rain when we meet up, but this doesn’t phase us and we are often found giggling like school children and running around the beach scaring the Seagulls. This is our latest TikTok adventure.


Finding different groups of people to inspire your creativity and share news of your work with, expands your network and you never know when opportunity might arise.  I was telling Chris how I’d taken some business cards into a cafe and added them to the notice board. By the time I left the cafe, three of the four cards had been taken by customers, so I replenished them. I was just showing Chris my cards when the staff member of the cafe we were in came to chat to us, so I asked if I could leave some cards and she put them in a card holder right in front of the till. Needless to say, we will both have cards with us next time. Chris was telling me about some people that she met abroad, who had recommended a screen writing course and we are now going to look into that option from Chris’ contact. Marketing doesn’t have to be big things, it can be lots of little things, done consistently.

If you haven’t popped by yet, check out  Chris’ website and her beautiful books, which are full of sandy beaches and romantic storylines, can be found, here.

Romance books by Lizzie Chantree and Christine Penhall.


I’m also 50 years old today, so I will probably be eating cake while you are reading this! I published my first book at the age of forty and feel very thankful for all of the amazing readers and writers I have met along my writing journey. I’m hoping to have a new romance book ready to publish soon, so watch this space for more fun and mischief from me.

Have a great week everyone! From Lizzie. x





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