Blog sharing.

I am honoured to be nominated for a blog award by talented mystery and suspense author, Mae Clair. I have been lucky enough to have received this award before and although some people enjoy this type of award and some don’t, I think they are a great way for bloggers to help each other reach a wider readership. At the end of the winner’s blog post, they list other blogs they admire and help those sites find a new audience, which is great news for everyone!

As I have done this before, I am going to answer Mae’s questions and tell you 11 new random facts, but I’m not going to nominate blogs, as this has also been done here. I will list some sites that I think are well worth visiting to spread the word about them as much as I can though.

The Award, the rules are:

  1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 11 blogs
  5. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
  6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Icon for the Liebster Award







Some great questions from Mae: 

You’ve been given a working time machine. What era of history would you visit?

I’m fascinated by innovation, so I would go and see things like Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press. Developed around 1440, it changed the world of literacy. The printing press made books available to people who hadn’t seen one before, but also caused conflict through the spread of sometimes controversial ideas. I wonder a lot about the future and enjoy thinking how new ideas and products which haven’t been made yet can fit into my stories. It’s the inventor side of me as this was my career before I began writing.

What is your totem animal? (Inspired by a post I recently saw on Jan Sikes’ blog).

I love this idea! My totem animal would be a Robin. I have one in my garden that comes into my house. He shows up when I least expect him, but I know he’s always around. For some reason, seeing him lifts my mood and makes me smile. He comes and sits right next to me when I’m alone.

What was the first story you wrote?

My first full story was my debut novel, Babe Driven. It’s a crazy adventure on a beautiful sun drenched island. It’s about a shy entrepreneur whose business has just hit the news headlines.

Beach or mountains?

Beach, for the view. I love looking at the sea, although I’m not one for lazing around and sunbathing. I’m to wriggly!

What is your favorite time of year?

Summer. Everyone seems to smile more when they are warm.

Name someone from history you find intriguing.

Albert Einstein. Chatting to him would be fascinating. Although so many artists intrigue me too.

What is your favorite fairy tale?

I like anything with a happy ending, which is all of them!

When was the last time you played a game of chess?

Years ago on a beach. I’m so useless at chess. I love a challenge though and won’t give up.

If you could travel to any city or country in the world, where would you go?

I love anywhere with mountains behind me and a sea or lake view in front of me. It’s probably the only time I would sit still of a while. I’m not fussy where, as long as there is an inspiring view that I could dream about painting.

Name your favorite cartoon when you were a kid.

I preferred books to television. My favourite cartoon illustration was in a comic book, but I loved Dennis the Menace and his dog Gnasher. He was full of mischief, as was his dog!

What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?

Unicorns, although many people say they are real.

11 random facts about me:

  1. I paint huge landscape paintings.
  2. I enjoy photography.
  3. I love every shade of the colour blue.
  4. I love reading books about business, tech or ideas and innovation.
  5. My favourite place for a frothy coffee is in a bookstore.
  6. I like Mojitos …a lot.
  7. I like laying on the grass and looking at the sky.
  8. I invent new products and have won an award for them.
  9. I’m allergic to chocolate ( I can hear you all gasp!)
  10. My handwriting is abysmal but fast and I write the first 20,000-40,000 words of my books by hand.
  11. I love animals. They are just so cute!


Wonderful blogs to discover:

Mae Clair’s Blog: Full of information about her books and tips on publishing.

Jan Sike’s Blog: A beautiful blog about writing and music.

BrizzleLass Books Blog:  Books, reviews, spotlights and giveaways.

The Write Stuff Blog: Writers helping writers.

Story Empire: Curated content for writers, marketing tips and more.

Anita Dawes and Jaye Marie: A book blog with lots of valuable information for writers.

Dan Alatorre:  Helpful writer ramblings.

Jenny in Neverland: A fabulous blog and book review site. Lifestyle articles.

I will add more soon!


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11 thoughts on “Blog sharing.

  1. Wow thank you for highlighting me!

    Great answers aswell! My Nan is also allergic to chocolate she hasn’t eaten any in over 60 years. I also have a lot of food allergies and can only eat cacao based chocolate with no dairy so have to be very careful and honestly find it easier to avoid it all together!

    • You’re so welcome! I haven’t had chocolate for so long that it doesn’t even register to me anymore. I’ve heard people sometimes have a natural aversion to things they are allergic to, but I used to eat loads of chocolate until I discovered it was making me unwell.

  2. What an awesome post, Lizzie. I loved your answers and learning more about you. The tidbit about the robin is especially fascinating as it comes into your house. That’s amazing and certainly to be cherished. I knew you did graphic design but had no idea that you also painted. You are definitely gifted with many, many talents! Thanks for posting this 🙂

    • Thank you for nominating me for the award! I have held a few exhibitions and joined other artists with theirs over the years. I also love art trails, where art is hanging in every shop and restaurant you pass. I might do a blog post on my paintings one day soon. I would still love to see some of your dad’s work if you can find any.

      • I will have to take some snaps of my dad’s stuff, Lizzie. When I was a kid he painted a full wall mural on the wall that backed the staircase to the second floor. It was gorgeous….a seascape butting up against a cliff side. We moved from that house when I was 7 years old, but I will always remember that mural. He also did a lighthouse mural on a smaller wall in the kitchen.

        I would love to see some of your work. I inherited my father’s talent for words, but zero of his artistic ability! 🙂

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